PJSC Dalenergomash has been producing gas turbines since 1969, They are used for supplying air to production lines of low concentration nitric acid АК-72 and УКЛ-7 .
PJSC “Dalenergomash” offers the following models of gas turbines
Gas-turbine ГТТ-3М
Gas-turbine ГТТ 9
Gas turbine ГТТ-12 with nitrous gas compressor 1150-41-1
Updated complex machine set КМА-2М
Turbines of these types have been supplied to many enterprises in Russia and in the CIS countries. There are associations “Azot” and “Mineral Fertilizers” in cities: Cherepovets, Nevinnomyssk, Novomoskovsk, Novgorod, Kemerovo, Berezniki, Rovno (Ukraine), Cherkassy (Ukraine), Severodonetsk (Ukraine), Dneprodzerzhinsk (Ukraine), Jonava (Lithuania), Navoi (Uzbekistan), Fergana (Uzbekistan), Mary (Turkmenia) and in many others.
PJSC Dalenergomash also offers capital repair of gas turbines and manufacturing of basic sub-units, components and spare parts to our customers.
*Specify the price and receive additional information in Sales Department:
tel.: +7 (4212) 381-461, 381-851
e-mail: export@dalenergomash.ru [1]