Automated control system for technological processes (ACS TP) “Vozdukh” and its advanced sample ACS TP “Vetrol” save up to 15% of electric power.
The compressors share in total consumption of electric power reaches 30% - at the large industrial enterprises. In this connection, the automatic control systems wich allow to reduce the consumption of electric power significantly and, on the whole, to improve the efficiency of compressors are of a great interest.
JSC “Dalenergomash” offers these systems for manufacturers who has the centrifugal compressors of K250, K500 and ЦTK275 types in their processing equipment. Automatic control system of compressors (ACS TP) “Vetrol” is a further development of ideas wich has been laid into the ACS TP “Vozdukh”. Introduction of such a system allows to save up to 15% of electric power on one unit.
Research and new technologies
Automatic control systems for compressors allow to monitor all important process parameters, eliminate unproductive and emergency modes, and provide "soft" switching to stand-by in emergency situations. Thereby, the consumption of electric power reduces significantly.
Improvement of efficiency and cost reduction is achived by:
- Use of deep throttling mode
- Increase compressor's operational range
- Regulation of productivity and pressure in the group of the compressors
- Reduced cooling cost and downtime periods
Modern configuration
The ACSTP “Vozdukh” is arranged on a two-level system, with possibility of backing-up and expansion. The upper level contemplates a technical workstation with Internet connection. The system is based on products and software of Siemens, Phoenix Contact and Moeller.